Bruising and swelling are side effects that can happen with any dermal filler injection. Because the lip tissue is even thinner than other areas of the face it is more prone to possibly getting a bruise.
There are several precautions that you can take to minimize bruising before a treatment. Avoiding alcohol the night before, ASA and anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen for a week prior to injection can be helpful.
Herbal supplements can also thin your blood so avoid, Flax Seed, fish oil, large doses of vitamin E or coq10. There are prescription medications that can influence your outcome but it should never be recommended that you discontinue these without your physicians approval.
Taking an over the counter herbal supplement such as arnica montana has been helpful for pre and post injection. The recommended dose is labeled on the bottle and should be started a few days before the injection and continued after if needed.
After the injection Traumeel cream or other creams with arnica can be applied to the area also to help expedite the healing process. Using ice for 10 min several times a day can minimize swelling and bruising.
Be sure to go to an experienced injector as technique can be a big factor in increasing your chances.
For more information contact Pamela Branchini, RN BSN – Laser Center of Walnut Creek 925-939-4763
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